How my sense of smell will come back after covid?

How my sense of smell will come back after covid?

When the pandemic started almost 2 years ago, most of us wondered if we had contracted coronavirus since fear and misinformation prevailed. We imagined that we were asymptomatic and that the cough we had was coronavirus. However, as doctors and scientists informed us, the symptoms existed and were almost always perceived by patients when they became ill. An intense and frequent symptom reported by the scientific community was the loss of smell and taste. The loss of smell is called anosmia and the next stage after a person recovers from the virus and the symptom remains, is called parsmia. PARASMIA is the disturbance or distortion of the sense of smell, erroneous sense of smells or perception of odors that do not exist. Pleasant odors are considered unpleasant and unpleasant ones are considered pleasant. Remains when the virus is gone Post Covid Symptoms The most common symptoms include chronic fatigue in patients even in their simple daily activities, shortness of breath - some of which require prolonged home oxygen therapy, which is recommended by the therapist. . In addition, 1 in 5 patients have sleep disorders, memory deficits, decreased mental alertness, mood disorders or depressive symptoms. All this together or each one separately, causes the so-called brain fog or otherwise "brain fog". Other symptoms include taste and smell disorders, arthralgias, myalgias, dry mouth / dry eye, diarrhea, headache. Also a particularly annoying symptom mainly in women is that of alopecia. Common Post covid symptom A study conducted in July 2021 reported that approximately 7% of the 4,000 people surveyed reported olfactory problems, which means that the number of people experiencing parsimony, hyposmia or anosmia during of COVID-19 infection may be quite high. The paroxysm can remain for a long time after a patient recovers from the coronavirus and more specifically the nose incorrectly recognizes the smells. For example, the smell of cooked garlic or coffee may not be recognized at all by the nose and may be perceived as something that smells very bad, such as gasoline. The cause of COVID-19 is not clear. However, scientists speculate that the nerve tissue of the nose is affected. In particular, olfactory receptor neurons must recover and regenerate before normal sense of smell is restored. What can I do to get my sense of smell back? A patient with drowsiness should try to "wake up" and activate the olfactory receptors. This can be done by offering strong penetrating scents. The easiest and healthiest way is through essential oils. Essential oils have a strong concentrated aroma which, however, does not contain chemicals and so can come into contact with the nose and not adversely affect the respiratory tract or cause dizziness. The most correct way to smell essential oils is through diffusion. Diffusion devices in which water enters along with a few drops of an essential oil and steam means the device diffuses it into the space. In this way we have the possibility of aromatherapy for the symptom of paroxysm after covid disease but also a beautiful sense of aroma in the space. 

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The patient can start by being close to the device while diffusing and taking gentle breaths. If he does not perceive the smell then he should bring the bottle of essential oil near his nose and take inhalations through the nose. Be careful not to get the essential oil stuck in the nostrils. Which essential oils are suitable? Some essential oils that are extremely helpful in activating the olfactory receptors are those that have citrus media. Citrus fruits are relatively acidic and more penetrating than others. In addition, citrus essential oils raise the mood and psychology, resulting in a double benefit. Essential oils with citrus elements are orange, mandarin, lemon, grapefruit and bergamot. Everything smells great and will help immensely whoever you choose. Another essential oil that is suggested is clove or mint which are quite penetrating and refreshing but also eucalyptus with which we can inhale with our eyes closed over a pot of hot water. The oregano essential oil also when diffused in the area helps a lot the parsimony and the decongestion of the nose since it is quite strong. It requires great care with the oregano essential oil not to come into contact with the skin as it can cause irritation and the patient is not on the edge from the diffuser when he has put the oregano essential oil but at a distance. 

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Note that no essential oil is drinkable except oregano essential oil which however is fat soluble and must be consumed diluted in olive oil. Dilution in olive oil can be added to your food, provided that it is used for up to a week and then stopped. The article has been written with the consent of the specialist Otolaryngologist Surgeon, Ioannis Stivaktaki, Doctor of the ENT clinic of the Hippocratic General Hospital. Athens based in Tripoli, 37 Agios Vassilios Square by phone 2710221881 and email We thank him for his contribution.

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